Debt Restructuring Process for Default Customers going Through Financial Hardships
- CE Billing agents/Collection office contacts clients (with >4pp) and negotiates payment.
- If the client requires to refinance and restructure the debt, then:
- If customer is in collection office portfolio they should be directed to the Bright Billing team.
- The CE Billing Agent must notify the customer in a call that:
- The current contract will be updated for another 13 years requiring signing again and will include a full term pagaré.
- The debt will be shown as a downpayment and will include interest for late fees (2% per owed month of fees) and interest for financing of these downpayment (additional 1.5% per month of financing).
- The down payment can be split into 3, 6, 9 or 12 payments
- CE Billing agent gathers customer verbal acceptance in a ticket.
- CE Billing agent requests Approval analyst for an updated proposal by:
- Defining the amount to finance, including late fees (2% interest per month) by:
- Create a Zendesk sub-ticket called Debt restructuring proposal for approvals using Proposal to debt restructuring - for approvals macro in Zendesk, which includes:
Request: Debt restructuring contract with a full term pagaré
Customer: CXXXX (with link)
Amount owed (monthly fees): $xyz MXN
Amount owed (late fee interest): $xyz MXN
Total Downpayment/extra cost amount to be added to contract: $xyz MXN (note this should be a sum of previous 2 items)
Screenshot of Ops Software calculation of debt and interest amounts: (Attach a screenshot of the downpayment calculated through Ops software).
Extra comments: (i.e. this proposal should consider the same monthly fee that the customer currently has (which should consider the escalators that have already been applied))
- Approval analysts generates an extra cost proposal with a pagare following the extra cost proposal process (Note: that this process already requires the approval analyst to add a 1.5% monthly interest for the financing credit, and if financed amount is >0.4 USD/w authorization from CEO is required).
- CE Billing agent collects signature from customer on new contract and pagare through hello-sign following this WIKI.
- CE Billing agent sends the signed new contract to approval analyst through Zendesk subticket.
- Approval analyst updates the contract on software and notifies CE Billing