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Debt Restructuring Process for Default Customers going Through Financial Hardships

  1. CE Billing agents/Collection office contacts clients (with >4pp) and negotiates payment.
  2. If the client requires to refinance and restructure the debt, then:
    1. If customer is in collection office portfolio they should be directed to the Bright Billing team.
    2. The CE Billing Agent must notify the customer in a call that:
      • The current contract will be updated for another 13 years requiring signing again and will include a full term pagaré.
      • The debt will be shown as a downpayment and will include interest for late fees (2% per owed month of fees) and interest for financing of these downpayment (additional 1.5% per month of financing).
      • The down payment can be split into 3, 6, 9 or 12 payments
  3. CE Billing agent gathers customer verbal acceptance in a ticket.
  4. CE Billing agent requests Approval analyst for an updated proposal by:
    1. Defining the amount to finance, including late fees (2% interest per month) by:
      1. Login in to the lead billing page
      2. Selecting ALL the late fees (which will generate a screenshot showing the total amount of the late fees, and the overdue payment interest), sample below:
        Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 18.18.42.png
        Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 18.21.21.png
    2. Create a Zendesk sub-ticket called Debt restructuring proposal for approvals using Proposal to debt restructuring - for approvals macro in Zendesk, which includes:
      • Request: Debt restructuring contract with a full term pagaré

      • Customer: CXXXX (with link)

      • Pagare required: YES
      • Amount owed (monthly fees): $xyz MXN

      • Amount owed (late fee interest): $xyz MXN

      • Total Downpayment/extra cost amount to be added to contract: $xyz MXN (note this should be a sum of previous 2 items)

      • Screenshot of Ops Software calculation of debt and interest amounts: (Attach a screenshot of the downpayment calculated through Ops software).

        • Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 18.21.54.png
      • Downpayment financing months (3,6,9 OR 12 months):
      • Monthly Fee required: XYZ
      • Extra comments: (i.e. this proposal should consider the same monthly fee that the customer currently has (which should consider the escalators that have already been applied))

  5. Approval analysts generates an extra cost proposal with a pagare following the extra cost proposal process  (Note: that this process already requires the approval analyst to add a 1.5% monthly interest for the financing credit, and if financed amount is >0.4 USD/w authorization from CEO is required).
  6. CE Billing agent collects signature from customer on new contract and pagare through hello-sign following this WIKI.
  7. CE Billing agent sends the signed new contract to approval analyst through Zendesk subticket.
  8. Approval analyst updates the contract on software and notifies CE Billing