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Diablito Check (Validation Guide)


    • Wiki Purpose: Ensure accurate determination of load requirements by cross-referencing CFE-installed and contracted load information within OPS NOTES to determine the necessity of potential load increase with CFE for eligibility and alignment with project proposals, while adhering to specific documentation criteria for CFE bills and proposal requests.
    • Wiki Owner: Eduardo Alcántara
    • Validity: NA

Approval Requirements for the Diablito Check

Follow the Underwriting Criteria (Mainstream Valid Rules)

Process to Review and Approve/Reject the Diablito Check

1. Open the following link to identify the pending diablito to review.

2. Select the option “Revisión de Diablito” 

a. Open the ops direction by clicking on the “Go to Doc” button.

b. Open the CFE bill.

c. Open lead.

3. Create the custom items: “Cálculo de planeación” and "Comprobante de no adeudos” unless they are already in the checklist. 

4. Go to the "Diablito Check" item, check there is information about the installed and contracted load capacity if not reject with:

  • "Faltan notas de carga instalada para saber si se considerarán costos extra de planeación”.

5. In the CFE bill verify:

  • That there is a complete CFE bill (2 pages)  and that it is legible.  If it is not legible, reject with 
    • Recibo de CFE no viene completo/legible ¿me ayudan a solicitar uno nuevo por favor?
  • If there are more than 1 services, all the CFE bills need to be on the same PDF. If not, reject with: 
    • Todos los recibos de CFE deben de estar en el mismo documento, fusionarlos, plz.
  • That the CFE bill  is not older than 120 days . If not, reject  with note:
    • Recibo mayor a 120 días ¿me ayudan a actualizar por uno actual por favor?
  • That the CFE bill does not have the  “NETMET” or “PHOTOVOLTAIC” tag, this  means that the client has an installed PV system. If it has the tag, reject with:
    • EE: Sistema con paneles ya instalados. Seguir wiki y obtener confirmación escrita del cliente:: ¿Me apoyarían a subirlo a diablito notes evidences, por fis
  • That there are not one or more dead phases: Check there are not a dead phases with the following processes: 
    • Review the current bimester, if the "actual reading" and "previous reading" stay the same, the subtraction will be 0, this indicates that there is a dead phase:


        • Or if there are periods where the consumption is zero:image-1739473317328.01.54.png
        •  If there are dead phases, reject with:
          • Se detecta fase muerta en el recibo, se debe revisar en RTVR. Es necesario agendar VT para tomar lecturas con egauge y revisar si hay presencia de ilícito.

            Agendar la visita usando el siguiente link:

            Importante: Agregar la siguiente información en las notas del evento:
            Dirección de la casa del cliente.
            Permisos especiales para entrar (en caso necesario).
            Razón de la visita.
            Especificaciones especiales de la instalación eléctrica del cliente”
        • After the visit has been performed and when the EE sends again the diablito check item,  go to the RTVR, open the PDF document. Verify that the installer says that there is not a “diablito” or “puente” installed. If it says that there is one, the client must remove it. Reject the diablito check with the following note: 
          • “Es necesario agendar VT  después de que el cliente retire el diablito / para corroborar que ya no hay presencia de diablito y tomar lecturas correctas.
            Agendar la visita usando el siguiente link:

            Importante: Agregar la siguiente información en las notas del evento:
            Dirección de la casa del cliente.
            Permisos especiales para entrar (en caso necesario).
            Razón de la visita.
            Especificaciones especiales de la instalación eléctrica del cliente”

      6. Open "Solicitud de Visita Tecnica" to check the PP number, copy it. Go to the  “Proposal Request” section, identify the PP.  Compare it with the CFE bill, verify that:

      • The zip code is the same on the CFE bill and in the proposal. If it is not, reject with:
        • CP no coincide en propuesta y en recibo de CFE
      • The  zip code or the “colonia ”is in this metabase. If it is, continue. If it is not, reject with
        • “CP no coincide en propuesta vs. recibo de CFE, poner el mismo
      • If the zip code is in the metabase but it has “viáticos”, create the custom item “Travel expenses” and reject with:
        • "CP con viáticos: Agregar confirmación del equipo de Idev que esta zona no cuenta con viáticos. ¿Me ayudarían a subirlo a la custom item de TRAVEL EXPENSE, por fa? "
            • When the EE sends the diablito check again, there can be two options of information uploaded to “Travel expenses”: 
              • A screenshot of Idev team confirming that there are no “viáticos”
              • A  written confirmation of the Idev team that Bright can absorb any extra cost for travel expenses and we can move forward with the process
      • The tariff on the CFE bill matches with the tariff on the proposal. If it does  not match, reject with: 
        • Tarifa de CFE no coincide con tarifa de propuesta, poner la misma.
          • Exceptions: 
            • If there is a tariff change from residential to commercial or visceversa. In this case, there must be a CFE management item with this information. If there is not, reject with: 
              • Crear item de CFE management para cambio de tarifa
            • If it is a GDMTO tariff, the proposal must be commercial (PDBT).

      7. In the “Proposal request” section, where the PP was identified in step 6, click on the “three dots”. Select  “Ver y editar datos”. Then click on “Editar parámetros”. Scroll down until you reach the “Consumos históricos” section. Compare the data with the CFE bill. Verify that: 

      • The bimester consumption match between the CFE bill and the PP number. Take into consideration the following information:
        • If there is more than one bimonthly period (eg. 4 months in the same CFE bill), you will have to divide it by the amount of bimonthly periods. 
        • If the reading is a monthly period, you will have to sum the next period reading.
        • If there is more than one CFE bill, you will have to sum the consumptions of all the bills
        • Check that the "actual reading" doesn’t have a "Estim" rather than a number.
        • If taking into consideration the previous information and if there is still a difference between the CFE bill and the PP number, reject with the following note:
          • “Casa Nueva / Recibo nuevo / PP con consumos estimados. Seguir wiki y obtener confirmación escrita del cliente: ¿Me apoyarían a subirlo a DIABLITO NOTES EVIDENCES por fis?image-1739473715621.08.32.png
        • After the EE sends the diablito check with the corrections, verify that there is a “Confirmación de consumos estimados” of the client in the diablito check evidences. THis can be a whatsapp confirmation or an email.

      8. Simulate the PP: 

      •  IRR must be according to underwritting criteria  if not reject with: 
        • IRR bajo, propuesta debe de estar dentro de parámetros de UW
      • DAC buffer ​​according to UW criteria, if not reject:
        • DAC buffer demasiado bajo. ¿Me podrían apoyar a revisar esto, por favor?  

      9. If everything is OK then approve the Diablito Check filling the following information: 

      • Aprobación manual de diablito:
      • Carga instalada subida (YES/NO)
      • PP realizada con los consumos del recibo (YES/NO)
      • Código postal correcto y sin viáticos o absorbidos por algún equipo (YES/NO)
      • Tarifa en engine correcta (DAC, 01, 1A, 1B, etc) (YES/NO)
      • Sistema con paneles ya instalados (YES/NO)
      • Tiene fase muerta (YES/NO)
      • Propuesta sobrepasa el 105% (YES/NO)
      • DAC Buffer arriba de parámetros (YES/NO)
      • Notas importantes o notes de special request: 
      New Houses, CFE Bills, and New Residency Approval Process and Consumption Estimation

      We can approve a project that is new construction or was recently moved into and thus has CFE billing period in the last 12 months of $0 in certain periods in the following scenarios and WITH written confirmation from the customer per this standard:

      • CFE bill with >=4 months of consumption data: follow the process below (new construction process)
      • CFE contract generated but no consumption data: follow the process below (new construction process) and we will be able to proceed as long as we have a CFE signed contract that allows us to verify the address, name in the contract and type of tariff. The contract must be submitted in the CFE bill section with the note that the CFE bill is being processed. The Approval Analyst will review the data with our standard CFE bill process.
      • There is no CFE bill or contract: we can move forward but only with a purchase paid upfront (i.e. 1 year financial lease pay 100% upfront). Follow the process below (new construction process)

      New Construction Process:

      1. Size the system is sized using Bright calculator (link here and benchmarks here) which has the best practices for how to estimate consumption following best practices based on the various scenarios we encounter
      2. The sign off on this amount is given by the client with written confirmation that this is an estimation and the real consumption could be higher or lower and may result in additional cost if the system size needs to change (more below on how to do so).
      3. Have a written confirmation from the customer acknowledging that this size system assumes x kWhs per year consumption and if it turns out differently then they acknowledge their CFE bill will be higher and they may need additional solar at additional cost, 

      IMPORTANT: This written confirmation can be done via mail or whatsapp. Please DO NOT request a signature from the client, just a confirmation of the previous statement.

      • Once the written confirmation is received, request to Approvals to add the “Diablito" item evidences to store it. 
      Flow Chart
