Validation Guide (Special Approval Checklist Item)
- Wiki Purpose: Establish a streamlined process for Sales or CE to request activation of the 'special approval' item on the Project approval checklist, involving Approval Analysts verifying economic feasibility criteria, CEO review, and iterative steps for final approval or rejection.
- Wiki Owner: Joseph Canaan
- Validity: n/a
Approval Requirements for the Special Approval Checklist Item
Follow the Underwriting Criteria (Mainstream Valid Rules)
Process to review and approve/reject the Special Approval Checklist Item
- Sales or CE should request the Approvals team to activate the “special approval” item on the Project approval checklist.
- Once the Sales / CE Manager fills the request, he/she should notify the Approval analyst to pre approve the request.
- The proposal number mentioned in the request will be used to search for the attached file which is sent to the CEO and CFO as a preliminary offer for the client (if the approval analyst doesn't receive the preliminary offers, he/she will ask for access to his/her manager)
- Approval analysts will search for the OPS information section of the mail and will use an indicator called “B Rating” data multiplying it by 10 in order to obtain the IRR and validate it with the one calculated for the special request.
- Approval analyst will find the NPV information in an attached file named “npv.csv.
- If both data correspond to the one listed in the Special Request and complies the economic project feasibility criteria of the Underwriting Source of Truth, Approval analyst will approve the special request with the note “Pre approved by Analyst name”. Otherwise he/she will reject the special request with a note explaining the situation.
- The CEO should then review the request on the CEO's dashboard
- If the CEO approves, it will be reflected as "Jonah approved this item" in the Ops approval checklist.
- If the CEO rejects, he should add questions/suggestions or next steps needed to be addressed by Sales Ops / CE Manger. Once comments are addressed Sales Ops / CE Manager should follow the process again from step 2.
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